Denna kategori innehåller samtliga uppslag där minst en av definitionerna har taggats som "Idiomatiskt". Orden kan även tillhöra andra kategorier; se respektive uppslagsord.
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Artiklar i kategori "Engelska/Idiomatiskt"
Följande 200 sidor (av totalt 282) finns i denna kategori.
(föregående sida) (nästa sida)A
- beat a dead horse
- beat off
- be on one's guard
- be out of one's mind
- between Scylla and Charybdis
- betwixt and between
- big kahuna
- big picture
- birthday suit
- bite the dust
- block up
- blow away
- blow it out one's ass
- blow one's mind
- Bob's your uncle
- bottom line
- bread and butter
- break someone's heart
- bring owls to Athens
- burn a hole in one's pocket
- burn the midnight oil
- bury the hatchet
- butt in
- call the shots
- carry coals to Newcastle
- cast pearls before swine
- Catch-22
- change of heart
- chew the scenery
- choke up
- chomp at the bit
- clam
- cloak-and-dagger
- close but no cigar
- close the door on
- close to home
- cloud nine
- cold turkey
- come across
- come out of the closet
- come out of the woodwork
- come through
- concrete jungle
- cop-out
- crawl out of the woodwork
- cry one's eyes out
- crystal clear
- cut a rug
- cut it
- cut one's losses
- cut the cheese
- cut the mustard
- get off someone's back
- get one's knickers in a twist
- girl next door
- give a fuck
- give a hand
- give a shit
- give it some welly
- give somebody a hand
- give someone a hand
- go berserk
- go Dutch
- go native
- go south
- go to bed
- go too far
- go to town
- go with
- green fingers
- green with envy
- grin and bear it
- grow the beard
- hand over
- hang up
- happy as a lark
- hard cheese
- have a ball
- have a finger in the pie
- have a look at
- have had it
- have something on the tip of one's tongue
- heads or tails
- heads-up
- Heinz 57
- hidden agenda
- hide one's light under a bushel
- hit one out of the ballpark
- hit the ceiling
- hold back
- how the sausage gets made