


Böjningar av flying bus  Singular Plural
Nominativ flying bus flying buses, flying busses
Genitiv flying bus's, flying bus' flying buses', flying busses'

flying bus

  1. (bildligt, flygspel, slang) flygande buss; spelbart (av spelare kontrollerat) flygplan eller dylikt som är svårt att manövrera, likt en buss med stor svängradie
    2020: IL-2 Beginner Guide: Revision history:
    Ju 52/Зm:​ A flying bus, assembled from the wreckage of a post-cyclone Haitian shanty town. You’re basically the Miss Frizzle of WW2.
    2022: RAF Air UK: Gary Seddon:
    I\'ve been playing DCS for some time now on and off but looking to find a home so that I can learn some of the skills needed to play the game a little deeper and enjoy the modules I own more thoroughly.– (bortklippt fluff) –A-10 - I spent some time learning this but mostly forgotten now Mi-8 - A beautiful flying bus, but still a bus.
    2023: War Thunder official twitter:
    It's a chonky flying bus with rockets, not exactly bias material.
    2023: War Thunder reddit:
    Its a flying bus with no flares and loses speed in a dive with the slightest manuveuring.
    Synonymer: bus
    Etymologi: Av snarlika fraser såsom "turns like a bus" (svänger som en buss).
  2. (vardagligt) användning av flygtrafik nästan lika ofta som andra åker kollektivt
    2021: Urban Dictionary: Flying bus:
    Tim: “Is John rich or something? I swear he is always flying bus.” Jim: “Yeah, he is the CEO of a multinational company.”
    Tim: "Är John rik eller något? Jag svär att han alltid flyger buss." Jim: "Ja, han är VD för ett multinationellt företag."