Engelska redigera

Substantiv redigera

terminal devoicing

  1. (fonetik, fonologi) slutljudsskärpning, utljudsskärpning
    2001: The Phonology of English as an International Language (sid 102) (Oxford University Press), Jennifer Jenkins:
    Full-scale terminal devoicing in English, on the other hand, would result in the production of acontrastive sound, i.e. a completely different word altogether (for example ‘bed’ and ‘rib’ would be come respectively ‘bet’ and ‘rip’).
    Fullständig slutljudsskärpning i engelskan skulle, å andra sidan, resultera i ett kontrastivt ljud, d.v.s. ett helt annat ord (till exempel skulle ‘bed’ och ‘rib’ bli ‘bet’ respektive ‘rip’).
    Synonymer: final obstruent devoicing, final devoicing